Archive for September, 2008

Digital Photography For That Artist In You

The digital age has brought about various leisure activities, hobbies and interests and one of these is digital photography where many people can bring out their creativity using their personal digital cameras. Many people have the eye and the talent for taking images and manipulating photographs and some people have actually crossed over from [...]

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Belford University And It’s False Promises

With the many online schools sprouting out from every corner of the world wide web, one can only assume that many are companies operating illegally. The target of these so-called fly by night sites are those who have not yet been around a computer long enough to ascertain truthful information from false promises.

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Become An Internet Police Fighting Cybercrime

The age of the internet allowed individuals to connect to other individuals and organizations on a great scale. By allowing a computer to connect to a computer network, there is instantly a great risk in protection and security. This new age gave rise to a new kind of criminal, the cybercriminal. A [...]

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Getting Students With Learning Disabilities Ready For College

An average student may go through a distressing and frustrating process when choosing the college or university to enroll to for postsecondary education. This is more so for the student with learning disabilities. Students with learning disabilities have unique needs that can’t be matched by looking at a campus brochure, going through their [...]

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