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"Super" Careers

The Super Bowl: Two teams of titans battling for the title of champion as millions watch. Then there's the battle going on off the field between the advertisers who want your attention. Not to mention the weeks of planning and production that go into the elaborate halftime show.

No matter where you're sitting, in the bleachers or at home on the couch, it's hard not to eagerly anticipate all of the flashy images and events that comprise the February 6th sports extravaganza.

Alas, the Super Bowl is more than just a game. For those who work behind the scenes in sports marketing and event planning, it's the ultimate project. After all, professionals trained in this field learn demanding skills like business law, labor relations, contracts, business ethics, and, of course, marketing and management.

"Competition for jobs in sports marketing can be fierce," says Shelly Field, career coach and author of "Career Opportunities in the Sports Industry'" 3rd Edition (Checkmark Books, 2004). "A good education can give one applicant an edge over another."

Luckily, there are many educational and career opportunities - including online programs - that will help you make way toward your goal.

Just ask Dr. Larry V. Flegle (CSE), who teaches sports-related courses including sports marketing, promotions, and public relations at the online American Public University System (APUS). "All types of sports are growing - just look at NASCAR - and so are the jobs needed to support them," he explains.

In addition to undergraduate courses, APUS also offers a master's degree in sports management. "Students within this program receive solid training in sports management, sports marketing, and event management," Flegle explains. Such qualities are what distinguishes the winners within this, and related, high profile careers.

Go Deep
Chamein Canton earned her entire bachelor's degree online, and used her experience and expertise as a springboard to launch Chamein's Creative Elegance, an events planning company based in Amityville, New York.

"I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, so the online program was perfect for me," says Chamein, who received her B.A. in business management from Empire State College, an online university that's part of the State University of New York (SUNY) system. "I took courses like strategic marketing, but the general course on entrepreneurship was the most valuable one."

In addition, Chamein says she was able to apply the classroom lessons from many of her classes to her daily business dilemmas, even those out-of-the-ordinary challenges. "With [planning] weddings, people can go 'postal' on you, so my psychology courses was unexpectedly helpful."

One of the most useful courses for Reggie Cameron, CEO/Owner of Cameron Communications, a Manhattan, New York-based events-marketing firm, had nothing to do with business.

"I was an art history major, which helps me when looking for creative ideas for campaign visuals. This also was of value when I worked in the press office at the Brooklyn Museum," he says. Reggie's client roster includes Salma Hayek (media relations for the film, "Frida"), former GE-head Jack Welch (publicity for his retirement), and Britney Spears (publicity for her 19th birthday party and around her sophomore CD, Britney), among others.

In a field that requires good organizational skills, diplomacy, and networking, however, Reggie notes that it's important to take what you learn in class onto the playing field, so to speak.

"Many of the specialized courses that schools teach are valuable to hopefuls in this field, but the bulk of what you learn really comes from spending time in the trenches," he says.

Go Long
For Peggy Morrow, a Houston-based expert in customer service and team management, whose clients have included the NFL's Houston Texans, MLB's Houston Astros, and Super Bowl XXXVIII, one of the most important skills is professionalism.

"Professionalism is an 'onion word,'" she explains. "You peel back each layer to find a new meaning to it. It includes everything from follow-through to being prepared - anything that will make people feel you're competent at what you do."

Competency comes triple fold when you earn a degree. Just ask Chamein, who plans to earn her MBA from ESC. Clients are trusting you with their important events, so you need to bolster your dedication to them in some way, she says. "It's your commitment. your autonomy that will make you a success."

By Andrew Marino

Scorecard of Opportunity

According to Flegle, sports-related careers are plentiful:
  • Sports marketing
  • Public relations
  • Event management
  • Sports sales and account management
  • Sports broadcasting and journalism
  • Sports administration
  • Sports management/front office
  • League commissioner/administration
  • Team finance/accountant
  • Ticket office management
  • Player personnel
  • Sports publicist
  • Sports media relations
  • Sports journalism/media
  • Sports medicine
  • Fitness, health, recreation and coaching
  • Sports law

Rules of Online Education
  • You must be a self-starter. There won't be a teacher standing in front of class coaching you on, though you will receive encouragement via email.
  • Discipline and devotion are key. Online programs are just as time- and labor-intensive as their traditional counterparts.
  • Prepare to win. More and more professionals are embracing online learning as a means to victoriously advance, both personally and professionally. According to Eduventures, which provides analysis on the education industry, approximately 1 million people will enroll in an online course this year.

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