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The Numbers Don't Lie...

When it comes to getting ahead, it's all about the numbers - the percentage of jobs available, the number of years it'll take you to advance, and most importantly - how many zeros are on your yearly salary package. That's why we looked to the numbers to help predict your chances for career success.


Move up in your occupation.

In today's tough job market, a degree is virtually a necessity for advancement. More than half of the top 10 fastest-growing occupations require an associate degree or higher. With convenient and flexible online associate programs from accredited colleges and universities, you can empower yourself with the degree you need to excel.


Can you use $13,000 more a year in your pocket?

That's the average salary hike a bachelor's degree commands. If you don't currently have you B.A. or B.S., isn't it time to boost your paycheck and advance your career ambitions? Online degree completion programs are specifically available to help you finish what you started. Some even offer credit for work experience! Not yet convinced? How's this: Over a lifetime, the gap in earning potential between high school graduates and those holding a bachelor's degree or higher exceeds $1 million, according to the College Board." Completing your studies, or embarking on a bachelor's endeavor will bring much value to your world.


Want even more cash? How about an extra $10,000?

Master's degree holders earn an average of $10,000 more a year than those with only a bachelor's. So what are you waiting for? Let a master's degree maximize your salary and your professional status; explore online MBA programs that are cutting-edge and convenient.


How does an average salary of $75K sound?

To an MBA holder, it sounds about right, since that's the current estimate across the board. In fact, MBA salaries have increased almost 17 percent in the last decade, and are on the upswing. Find out more about online MBA programs, which can propel your business knowledge and earning power instantly upon completion.


Land the #2 job in the country!                           

Learn more about the field of education, and you'll learn to be "in demand." Educational services, which comprise teaching, administration, and curriculum development, are the second largest industry in the nation.


Consider a career in health care.

Nine out of 20 occupations projected to grow rapidly into 2012 are in healthcare, making it one of the largest industries in the country. Those in nursing, health care management, and the health services (which span more than 100 different jobs) will account for 13 percent of all new positions created through 2010. Start taking care of your future by enrolling in an online degree program within the healthcare discipline.


Can't figure out what you want to do? Here are over 1,000 choices!

There are so many exciting and cutting-edge certificate programs online, like criminal justice, paralegal studies, Web and graphic design, project management, and more. All of these and more provide career growth and a much-needed salary boost. Not to mention they're specifically designed to increase your industry knowledge in a timeframe realistic to your life responsibilities.






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