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MBA Moms Make a Difference

by Vicki Salemi

Women are making big leaps in the traditional college arena - a recent report reveals that females comprise 57 percent of all undergraduate college enrollments. So why do women still only make up 30 percent of MBA classes? Is the time sacrifice insurmountable? What about the cost? And is it worth the sacrifices?

Many women, specifically mothers, are concerned that business careers will not be philosophically rewarding. The world of business for prospective "momtrepreneurs" can be daunting; the world of business school can seem even scarier as certain moms realize the challenges that exist and face them head on.

Stacy Blackman knows this situation all too well. As a marketing expert and founder of Stacy Blackman Consulting, which provides services to applicants seeking admission to top MBA programs, she is quick to acknowledge the challenges of going back to school while juggling responsibilities at home. But she says the sacrifices are less now thanks to alternative academia like eLearning. More importantly, she says, they are well worth it.

The Wharton MBA grad explains, "For moms who are reentering the workforce after several years at home, an MBA can be a perfect launching pad. The credential can add credibility, and the curriculum, network, and career services office are invaluable tools."

Stacy has been able to leverage such talent by hiring MBA moms who demonstrate knowledge, passion, and expertise, and then allowing them to design their own schedules.

"While jobs and companies come and go, the MBA degree provides a network, education, and credential that remains with you. The ability to draw on these tools at any point in your career - whether searching for a job with a larger company or embarking on your own venture - is extremely valuable and provides great peace of mind."

Courtney Pugh is one student fostering this peace of mind, having completed the eMBA program at The College of William and Mary (Williamsburg, Virg.).

In fact, the program proved to be a far greater learning experience than she had anticipated, she explains. "It taught me more than simply how to calculate present value and return on investment. It taught me much more about myself."

Among the rewards? By earning her advanced degree in general studies, Courtney noticed an increased sense of self-confidence, a rejuvenated sense of strength in her abilities, and renewed commitment to persevere and complete the curriculum.

After all, the 20-month intense program meant this director of procurement for a government contractor attended class every weekend on campus, including various residencies, one of which included a trip to China for 11 days to learn about international business.

"This program appealed to me as a mother because it would allow me to finish before my children were in school themselves," Courtney explains. By starting the program with them so young (her daughter was 13 months old and son, 4 1/2), her hope was that they would not remember it as much in their later years. "I wanted them to have me around more for soccer practices, school plays, and homework help," she explains.

While it wasn't easy - her commitment required that she get up daily at 5 a.m. to master her organizational skills and "to-do" lists - she highly recommends the MBA program for other moms. (In fact, this go-getter still had time to work out six days per week, a practice she assures other academe moms is a good diversion from the books!)

As an aspiring entrepreneur, Courtney knew something was missing in her educational repertoire despite an undergraduate degree in psychology and a postgraduate certification in contracts and procurement. "I still felt I was lacking the business knowledge required to be successful in the corporate world, and to start my own business."

The secret to her success? Without hesitation, Courtney describes a strong support system. "Words cannot express the debt of gratitude I owe my family. I know that I could never have accomplished this goal without their love and encouragement," she confesses.

Dr. David Harpool, chief operating officer of academics at Kaplan University, finds it's no surprise that moms are exploring various MBA programs, especially online ones that afford them flexibility to manage their time and work from home. "Our online MBA permits mothers to balance their daily responsibilities and still have time for a relevant and challenging MBA program," he says. "For moms who have been out of the workforce, earning an MBA is a good approach to return at a level comparable to where they would have been had they not left to raise a family. More than half of our students are women."

Such is the case for Kellie Caldwell, MBA mom in Walden University's online MBA/MPH (master of public health) dual degree program. After earning her undergraduate degree in psychology several years ago, Kellie put off applying to graduate schools to get married and return to her hometown in Colorado. Since she initially didn't find work in the health care field, she landed a job in politics while teaching group fitness classes and personal training clients on the side. When she decided to start a family, Kellie juggled fitness training with part-time jobs in politics and community volunteering. What was missing, however, was the completion of her education goals to complement a budding business.

In 2001, Kellie began BeFIT Wellness Solutions, LLC, which specializes in customized health and wellness programs, including metabolic testing, nutrition analysis, fitness training/consulting, and specialized nutritional supplements. In an effort to fulfill her personal mission to complete graduate-level academic work in the health care field, she pursued her online degree.

"I am inspired by educational learning and appreciate the intellectual challenges presented through interaction with graduate students: critical thinking, investigation, analysis, and discovery." As for overall personal improvement, the experience is second to none.

"My education gives me the opportunity to demand more of myself, and in turn, become more for those I continue to serve - including my clients, customers, and my family."

This mother of a 9- and 3-year-old knew the flexibility of an online graduate program was critical for scholastic success based on her professional and personal commitments. "I have the ability to structure a plan that allows me to juggle it all, but not completely without stress. Communication within my home and with my social [circle] is critical to my ongoing and future success - as a student, a mother, and a working professional."

Since Walden's program is structured in six-week blocks, it requires daily attention to reading, studying, writing, and student interaction. The workload is demanding, says Kellie, but she recognizes it as an opportunity to set a positive example for her children.

"I cannot afford to fall behind and I have consistent daily deadlines to meet for assignments and discussions," she says. "The example this discipline sets for my children is a great benefit; we learn and study together. They are learning the value and priority of advanced, graduate-level work and see me pursuing my dreams and accomplishing my education goals."

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