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Cyber Savings

Distance learning is appealing on a variety of levels -- it allows you to work outside the time restrictions of a classroom, and continue your career as you earn your degree. But it’s also undeniable that the cash factor is a contributor to the increasing gravitational pull toward e-learning. Think about it, suggests Mary McKenna, dean of students at Kaplan College Online: Perhaps the most noticeable savings emerge from costs beyond the tuition bill.

"Going to a brick-and-mortar or private school today – for many – can be an expensive proposition, upward of $20,000 a year," says McKenna, who heads up the school, which hosts a wide variety of adult education courses and programs. “Add that to the time spent commuting back and forth from class, taking time off work, or putting other responsibilities on hold.” As if the prospect of footing a hefty bill wasn’t already tough enough to outrun, now you’ve got a slew of smaller expenses nipping at your heels. “Look at both the time and money you will save with an online program,” she suggests. "An online school like Kaplan [may be your] best choice."

After all, when you get to thinking about those small expenses -- traveling costs, textbooks, even child care for times when you're in class -- they really add up. "At Kaplan, the typical student is 34 years old," says McKenna. "Many of them are women, and many of them have kids, so by studying online they don't have to spend money to hire child care. They can be reviewing a class, and giving their kid a popsicle at the same time."

Some schools even take the savings a step further: Kaplan College's textbooks are included in its tuition. Other schools, such as Exclesior College, headquartered in Albany, NY, offer credit for corporate training and military service. Obviously, online education isn't for everyone, but there are hefty savings to be had if you plan accordingly and seek out a program that allows you to minimize your expenses.

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