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The Computer Pros Know: IT Workers Learn Online

by Paul D. Rosevear

The appeal of online learning's convenience and flexibility is attracting adult learners from all fields and backgrounds who wish to advance their education or careers - that's no secret. But what you might not know is the overwhelming popularity of online coursework among workers in the information technology (IT) field. According to a recent Eduventures survey of prospective continuing education students, 86 percent of respondents employed in IT were inclined to study online. This was the highest result of any other field, with the average for all fields being 77 percent. What is it that draws IT workers toward online learning in particular? Is there something they know that you should?

"Simply put, we don't have time to do it any other way," says Tom Salzman, IT manager for a medium-sized law firm. Tom's a busy guy, with responsibilities including supervising all computer operations, technical support, systems analysis, training and activity coordination of the IT department. "Online learning lets us go at our own pace, since any IT worker will tell you, we are constantly interrupted."

The fact is, we can all relate to the constant interruptions of life - that's why online learning suits just about anyone with the resolve to commit to the coursework. But for IT workers, there are a few more factors that make online learning ideal.

"Most IT pros who have taken to their work and enjoy their job have a solid grasp on the basic knowledge and a general understanding of the fundamentals of computer problem solving," says Tom. "In other words, we know how to get from point A to point B, but the key is avoiding as many potholes as possible. Online learning gives us the option of acquiring specific knowledge to find a smoother way of making things work, without wasting time in a classroom being taught things we already know."

On a broader scale, the gravitation of IT workers toward online learning stacks up economically as well. "In terms of enrollment in online courses, IT is the number three field, right behind business and healthcare," explains Sean Gallagher, senior analyst at Eduventures, a Boston, MA-based company that researches the education industry. "There is a huge labor market for IT, and there are tons of positions available and opening on a constant basis." In other words, whether it's a financial firm or a healthcare facility, nearly every corporation needs IT support.

But as any successful online learner will attest, part of the reason they excel is that their learning personality is compatible with the online arena - and that is certainly the case with IT workers. "IT workers are, by the nature of their profession, very comfortable interacting with computers," says Stefano M. Stefan, assistant director of business, management, legal, and IT programs at University of California Extension (Irvine, CA). "They can maneuver through a Web site or through computer-based course materials very quickly and easily. In addition, IT workers often work long hours, which means that being able to catch up on a new topic at odd hours is attractive."

Between the nature of the field, their techno personalities, and the flexibility of the programming, it's no wonder IT workers' inclination toward online learning is greater than any other field. Compatibility isn't just a word they use on the job - it's a concept they depend on to learn.

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